
Imprint comes with a set of command-line entry points to facilitate different tasks. This page is the manual for these programs.


The main program of Imprint, serving as the entry point to create documents.


The same command can be run on both Linux and Windows systems. The Windows file that provides the executable has a .bat extension and delegates to the extension-less Python file:

imprint configuration



imprint accepts a single argument, the IPC File to process.


A small utility for extracting text content out of existing Word documents.

Placeholders are inserted for every element that appears to be a table or a figure. No attempt is made to preserve the styles of those elements. Paragraph styles are preserved, as are run styles. An attempt is made to merge as many consecutive runs of the same style as possible.

This program can only operate on .docx files, not on .doc files.


The same command can be run on both Linux and Windows systems. The Windows file that provides the executable has a .bat extension and delegates to the extension-less Python file:

docx2xml input[.docx] [output[.xml]]



The input DOCX file to parse. A .docx extension will be appended to the file name if not already present. .doc extensions will only have one letter appended.


The output XML file to create. A .xml extension will be appended to the file name if not already present. If the name is missing entirely, the base name of input will be used, with the .docx extension replaced by .xml.